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"Imagine your company

invisible to hackers..."

An Intelligence for Defense Against Cyber Crime

Identifying and blocking cyber attacks.

"Imagine your company being invisible to hackers, while still being visible to your customers."

Too good? Utopia? Impossible?

NetSensor is a company focused on developing security solutions capable of turning this daring dream into reality, becoming a powerful ally in the most effective fight against a serious problem that has been growing at a frightening scale, that of cybercrime.


Have visibility of attempted attacks being identified and neutralized in your structure.

Surprise yourself with the large number of malicious sources, coming from different parts of the world, trying to identify weaknesses in your environment and trying to exploit your network, your applications and compromise your business, your company's data and that of your customers.


NetSensor's security stack can act in several segments and "learn" with virtually any element of a technology structure, whether based on hardware or software, forming a broad perimeter for analysis, identification and proactive blocking of cyber attacks.
An artificial neural network, spread across more than 20 countries, completes the learning network about hackers active around the world and their biggest targets.

Machine learning
Artificial intelligence

Using concepts of artificial intelligence, machine learning and artificial neural network, our technology is able to covertly observe internet traffic, identify patterns present in most attacks, learn who is malicious and make your network invisible to cybercriminals, while continuing to operate typically to your customers and business partners.

Artificial Intelligence

Zero Day

Zero Day Vulnerability

Our technology analyzes network traffic and recognizes behavior patterns present in most cyber attacks. Based on these characteristics, it is possible to accurately identify malicious origins and neutralize them instantly, leaving your network invisible to these attackers, managing to protect your structure, even from unknown threats and attacks that exploit the "Zero Day" vulnerability, without having to wait by creating "vaccines" or "signatures" that recognize these new attacks.

We are a new layer of security

Innovative technology, which brings to the market a new concept in detecting and mitigating hacker activity, adding a new and powerful layer of security, with "zero" incidence of false positives and capable of bringing additional protection to your entire environment.
* NetSensor technologies do not replace the need for a firewall and other traditional security solutions, on the contrary, they complement and enhance existing defense strategies.

Edge security
Protect routeres and even your firewall

Criminals look for any loophole they can exploit to gain some benefit. For this reason, cyberthreats can compromise any element of your business, including routers and other communications equipment that are exposed at the edge of your network. Even the firewall can be the target of successful attacks if it has unpatched security vulnerabilities.

Edge security without NetSensor
Topologia de rede sendo protegida por uma nova camada de segurança composta pelo NetSensor Magic.

NetSensor creates a new layer of security, strategically placed at the outermost edge of your network, protecting your entire business fabric, including routers and other edge communications equipment.

NetSensor's defense framework is able to bring an extra layer of protection even to your network's firewall.


Smart network security

NetSensor Magic Geolocation Dashboard
NetSensor Magic

"Imagine sua empresa invisível para hackers, enquanto continua visível para os seus clientes."

HackNet Intelligence Network

Aprendizagem constante sobre atacantes

e seus alvos favoritos.
Torne-se invisível para eles.

Um celular com a imagem de um cadeado fechado representando segurança de aplicação.

Suas aplicações com o poder de um Firewall e a inteligência do seu negócio.

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